Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Greatness of the cat's whiskers plant

Cats whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus (B1) Miq.), An herb, grows upright, rooted at the bottom of his books in part, 1-2 m high, stems slightly ribbed rectangular, short haired or bald.
Single leaf, round eggs oval, lanceolate or lozenges, downy, rough serrated edge is irregular, both mottled surface due to volatile oil glands.
Bunches of flowers that came out at the end of branches, pale purple or white color (the color is blue and white), stamens longer than the flower tube. Fruit geluk dark brown color. Grows in lowland and medium altitude areas.
Terms Grow Mustache Cat:
1. Altitude: 500 m - 900 m above sea level
2. Annual rainfall: 3000 mm / year
3. Wet months (above 100 mm / month): 7 months - 9 months
4. Dry months (below 60 mm / month): 3 months - 5 months
5. Air Temperature: 280C - 340C
6. Humidity: medium
7. Irradiation: High

b. Land
1. Type: andosol, latosol
2. Tekstrur: sandy clay
3. Drainage: well
4. Ground water depth: 70 cm above ground level
5. Rooting depth: 30 cm - 60 cm from soil surface
6. Acidity (pH): 5-7
7. Fertility: medium - high

In general, cat whiskers plant propagated by stem cuttings or branch cuttings. Select the trunk or branch that is not too old, then cut to a length of cuttings, cuttings of 15 cm - 25 cm or segmented about 2 books - 3 books.

Cuttings of seedlings can be planted directly in the garden as deep as 5 cm, then compact enough soil around the base of the cuttings, with a spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm, 40 cm x 40 cm, 40 cm x 50 cm and 60 cm x 60 cm

The local name of this plant include:
• Mustache cat, big Mamang (Indonesia);• Kutun, mamam, spider flower (Java);• Mao Xu Cao (China).There are several diseases that can be cured from the cat's whiskers kidney infection, bladder infection, urinary stones, gout; peluruh urine, eliminating hot and humid

Utilization of the cat's whiskers on the whole plant, wet or dry (dianginkan first, and then dried in the hot sun.) The usefulness can be to treat:

1. Kidney infection (acute and chronic nephritis), bladder infection (Cystitis).
2. Kidney stone pain.
3. Gout (Gout arthritis).
4. Peluruh urine (Diuretic).
5. Eliminates hot and humid.

Use cat's whiskers are: 30 - 60 gr. (Dry) or 90-120 g (wet), boiled, or a dry / wet brewed as tea.

Here's how to use that you can try:

Nephritis, edema (swelling)
Cat whiskers 30 g, 30 g leaf veins, 30 g grass snake tongue, all boiled.
Urinary tract infections, frequent urination in small increments (Anyang-anyangan) Mustache cat, meniran, Commelina communis, each 30 grams, boiled.

The composition of cat's whiskers, chemical properties and pharmacological effects: Sweet little bitter, cool, anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, urinary tract stones destroyed. levels of the chemical among others Orthosiphon glycosides, tannic substances, essential oils, fatty oils, saponins, sapofonin, potassium salts, myoinositol.

Efficacy of the cat's whiskers plant

      Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS) in the form of shrubs, wet trunk, the height can reach 1.5 meters. Can be grown in a dry or wet at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, this plant has leaves egg-shaped spurs, leaves coarsely toothed edges. The flowers out stamen and pistil, white or purple.

This plant has a number of benefits to cure various kinds of diseases. The leaves contain levels of potassium (boorsma) is quite high. He also contain glycosides orthosiphonin believed to dissolve uric acid, phosphate and oxalate from the body. Especially from the bladder, bile and kidney.According to the Atlas of Plant Medicine by Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha Indonesia, as quoted by website association data center hospitals throughout Indonesia (Persi), cat's whiskers plant flower is a compound flower in the bunch that came out at the end of the branching. The color is pale purple or white while the stamens longer than the flower tube.

Fruit cat's whiskers in the form of fruit boxes and egg-shaped. These plants can be propagated by seeds or stem cuttings. Herba this plant sweet yet slightly bitter taste. Herb cat's whiskers can be used to treat a number of diseases namely acute and chronic kidney infections, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, bladder stones and bladder infections. To treat kidney infections and hypertension, 30 grams of washing fresh herbs cat's whiskers, herb leaves and grass snake tongue spoon. Boil it all in tigha cups of water until only the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain the water and then drink half a cup twice a day.

For those who suffer from urinary tract infections, frequent urination (volume a bit and Anyang-anyangan), can be tried healing with herbs fresh herb leaves cat whiskers, meniran, and roots of reeds 30 grams each and then washed clean. The materials are then cut as necessary and then boiled in three cups of water until only the remaining half. Once cool, the water and then drink half a glass each of three times a day.To treat urinary stones, 90 grams of herbs cat's whiskers washed and then boiled in a liter of water until boiling and the remaining 750 cc. Once cool, drink as much as three times a day each third section. Drink this mixture until the disease is cured.

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

The benefits of fruit and leaf nutmeg

Ingredients and Benefits: Many of the younger leaves contain proteins that feels soothing. In addition, nutmeg also contain essential oils, tannic substances, and starch substance believed to increase appetite, release of gas from the stomach, and calm the nerves.


1. Vomiting, Gastritis, Go Wind, Hiccups
     One teaspoon nutmeg powder brewed with a little water. Drinks every time
     out vomiting.

2. Stomach Heartburn (but not diarrhea)
     A little nutmeg powder placed under the tongue, let dissolve with saliva.

3. Sprue
     Gum nutmeg mixed with a little water. Use this mixture to rinse

4. Cough slimy
    Same with recipes no. 5, but this herb dikumur up to the trachea.

5. Insomnia
     Method I: A little nutmeg powder mixed with 1-2 drops of water, then apply the

     Method II: ½ nutmeg ground and brewed with 1 cup water. As will be drunk
     give a little honey / sugar cube. Drink this potion 2x a day, each 1 cup

6. Rheumatism
     Bathing with soap nutmeg or rub the sore body parts with nutmeg balm.
     Soap and nutmeg balm sold in pharmacies and drug stores.

7. Dysmenorrhea
     A little powdered nutmeg, 7 grains of coriander, a piece of turmeric, 1 clove braised with
     glass of water until the water is staying half. Drink this mixture all at once while

8. Hypertension
     Some fresh nutmeg grated and squeezed to take water. Do this 2x

Pineapple for health benefits

Ingredients and Benefits: Pineapple contains dextrose, globulin, sakarosa, organic acids, proteose, globulin and bromelin. Although not yet found the results of an experiment, but according to Mrs. Kloppenburg-Versteegh, fresh pineapple juice is considered cool, clean blood, facilitating the large flue and anticacing. Fiber is not good for people with stomach disorders.Pineapple younger than launch expenditure urine and feces, also affects the uterus. He undid menstruation and can abort the womb. Because it is not recommended for pregnant women or low birth.The women in West Java, many who abstain pineapple, pineapple considered cause for discharge and not good for the uterus.Note: Patients with kidney disease and diabetes is not recommended to eat pineapple.


1. Abdominal pain due to Contaminated Food, Diarrhea with Heartburn and Heat in
Rectum, stomach pain after every Eating, Stomach Bloating after Eating, Lose
Weight Loss.
Ripe pineapple peeled, removed "eyes", shredded or blended.
Strain or wring. The water was drunk as much as ½ cup immediately after every meal.

2. Fever due to Stomach Heat
The recipe is the same as no. 1. Taken between meals.

3. Fever
The recipe is the same as no. 1. Drink 2x a day, each half a glass.

4. Flu
The recipe is the same as no. 1. Taken several times a day. Do not cooled.

5. Dandruff
I: young pineapple peeled, removed "eyes", shredded. 12 crushed leaves
Galing (Vitis trifolia L. / leaf kapialun). Combine. Let stand 2 hours then strain
with a cloth. Use to rinse when shampooing. Repeat till dandruff
II: Pineapple cooked in grated, squeezed. Rub the water to the scalp every
night before bed. The next morning washed.

6. Laryngitis
The recipe is the same as no. 1. drink frequently throughout the day. Once drinking
do not at once, just ½ cup only.

7. Heartburn due digested Difficult Foods
The recipe is the same as no. 1. drunk little by little

8. Toilet irregular
Recipes such as no. 1. Drink 1 tablespoon after every meal.

9. Wormy
A young pineapple shredded, squeezed. Add 2 tablespoons of honey or rock sugar syrup.
Drinks to children who suffer from intestinal worms.

Benefits groats around your home

Latin name: Phyllanthus urinaria (reddish green bars), Phyllanthus niruri (pale bars)
Area Name: Memeniran, red Meniran

Nation: Euphabiales
Tribe: Euphorbiaceae
Marga: Phillanthus
Type: Phillanthus urinaria Linn.

Ingredients and Benefits: Many contain potassium and filantik substances that destroy the stone and smooth efficacious urine. It also contains tannins, minerals, and resins.Note: Do not eat too much because it can cause impotence meniran.


1. Ulcer pain
Five groats plant (leaves, stems, roots) with 2 cups boiling water until
half. Drink 3 times a day.

2. Smooth Water Art
How to I: 50 g groats plant (leaves, stems, roots) with 2 cups boiling water
until the water is staying half. This potion to drink 3x daily
How II: The leaves and roots washed Meniran then chewed, while a little
the liquid is swallowed.

3. Kidney Stones
Five groats plant (leaves, stems, roots), 15 pieces of boiled cat whiskers Duan
with 2 cups of water until the water stayed a half. This potion to drink 3x
a day.

4. Gallstone
A handful of leaves meniran, 1 finger of ginger, a handful of boiled corn silk
with 1 cup water. After boiling to give a little palm sugar. Drink this mixture
2x a day.

5. Malaria
Mash groats 5 plants (leaves, stems, roots), 1 papaya leaf blade, 3
ginger, 1 finger pule (Pulai). Then, squeeze as he was given water 1 cup. Drinking potions
This 1x a day for 2 weeks.

6. Dysmenorrhea
Three plants (leaves, stems, roots) groats, 1 thumb ginger, 1 ½ teaspoon
coriander, 1 finger turmeric. Crushed galangal, turmeric, peeled and thinly sliced.
Then, boil all ingredients with 3 cups of water until the water residence
half. This potion to drink 2x a day.

7. Lose Weight
Five plants groats, 15 leaves of Dutch identity, 1 finger bark boiled with 2
cups of water until the water is half. Drink this mixture 2x a day.

8. Pimple
Seven plants (leaves, stems, roots) groats, 1 thumb of ginger pounded ago
boiled with 2 cups of water until the water half. Drink all at once, each

9. Toothache
Roots groats after being washed clean, then chew-chew on the teeth that hurt.

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Turmeric vs. Alzheimer's

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) was a one of the many species of medicinal plants have the benefit, such as spices (especially curry), food coloring, beverages, textiles and cosmetics. This plant has been known since a long time in Indonesia and its use quite a lot in everyday life. Given today's lifestyle that inclined modern with symptoms almost instantaneous, making the disease that develops in the community is also diverse. In the last ten years, many diseases that stuck out in society among them AIDS, cancer, avian flu and even symptoms of early senility. This condition makes people start thinking to look for alternative treatments alongside conventional modern medicine. One of the best prospects of medicinal plants as a substitute for chemical treatment that can memperlam-bat coming of senile diseases is turmeric. The use of the plants are usually in the form of powder or turmeric powder that blended into the cooking spices.

Turmeric rhizome extremely useful as antikoagul's, lowering blood pressure, de-worming, Abat asthma, added to his blood, medicine abdominal pain, diarrhea, appendicitis and arthritis. In addition to air-efficacy in the treatment, turmeric is also widely used for dye, cosmetics ingredient, bactericide, fungicide and stimulants.

Turmeric to prevent Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is a common type of senile diseases occur in humans who began entering old age (the elderly). Naturally, dementia is common in every person since the brain's physical condition declined. But the arrival of pikunpun can be slowed by using turmeric in curry spice. Curry spice turmeric as an ingredient that is widely used in various recipes is felt to maintain the quality of the brain until advanced age. One proof is the elderly who are in Asian countries still have a good memory in old age because they are diligent eating curry spices.

Results of research Dr. Tze-Pin Ng from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1010 elderly people aged 60 to 93 in 2003, showed that seniors who diligently consume curry seasoning has a higher retention than those who rarely or never at all. This might make us curious and want to know. Apparently the secret lies in the yellow pigments (curcumin) contained in the rhizome of turmeric which used it in making the curry spice. Curcumin in turmeric had a very important function in treating various types of diseases because these compounds can function as an anti-tumor promoter, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammation and anti virus. In addition, curcumin in turmeric was also instrumental in improving the immune system.

Turmeric which will be made concoction of curry spice turmeric can be made from the tuber that has been dried. In terms of simplicity, bulbs that have been sliced and dried, it's easier to be milled flour. In consumer countries like the United States and Britain, turmeric powder is used directly as a spice in food coloring, and raw material of oleoresin. In India, turmeric powder is one of the basic material for the manufacture of curry spices (curry powder) which is a homogeneous mixture of different types of turmeric powder.

By routinely consuming curry spices, will be able to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease that can cause senile total because of physical condition of the brain that continues to decline. But make no mistake, the use of excessive even for the elderly can give rise to the effects of abdominal pain, liver disorders or ginjal.Dari the conclusion of the pe-researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology Issue 1 November 2006, stating that seasoning curry is very potential to prevent Alzheimer's because the views of its efficacy and not poisonous. The results of this study is the first evidence showing the link between curry consumption with cognitive abilities of the brain.

The figure of plants

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Vahl.) Is a medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia and has developed extensively in South Asia, South China, Taiwan, Fili-pina and grow well in Indonesia. Plants grow upright to reach a high 1.0 to 1.5 m. Having ridden pseudo stem by stem-leaf midrib. Spiky plant leaves and slippery with about 30 cm long and 8 cm wide. Flowers emerge from the pseudo stem with a length of about 10-15 cm. Color white or white flowers striped green and sometimes pink flower tip. The main part of the plant is rimpangnya residing in the soil. It usually grows creeping rhizome and rhizome parent usually ellipse.

Growing environment

Turmeric can be grown successfully on ketingggian 0-1200 m above sea level. Adaptation of the plants very well in the heat to moderate climate with high humidity. Land that is suitable for growing saffron is a fertile soil, loose, contains humus and well drained. To obtain optimal growth, turmeric should get wet months of about 4-6 months before the death of the leaves. For the formation of rhizome much needed sunlight is sufficient.

Phytochemicals turmeric

The main chemical compounds that were inside the bladder is essential oil of turmeric rhizome and kurkumi paranoid. Essential oils containing sesquiterpene alcohol, tour-Meron and zingiberen, whereas compounds containing curcuminoids curcumin and its derivatives (yellow) that includes desmetoksi-curcumin and bidesmetoksikurku-min. In addition it also contains compounds gom rhizome, fat, protein, kalsiun, phosphorus and iron.

Cultivation of plants

Turmeric cultivation is easy. Rhizomes of plants that will be used as seed should have enough at around 10 months old and weighs 20-30 g. Seeds to be planted should have a long shoots 2-3 cm. Prior to planting, the soil first processed in a way to fork and hoe in place that will be planted. Tillage should be done at the beginning of the rainy season. Manure can be given as much as 0.5 kg / planting hole and the optimal spacing is 50 cm x 50 cm and planting of seedlings should be at a depth of 7.5 cm - 10 cm, with the buds facing upwards.

Each planting hole should be filled with one seed and the seed is inserted, the planting hole again covered with soil. To get the growth and rhizome production of the op-timal, preferably in fertilizer plants with artificial fertilizers which SP36 and KCl at the beginning of each planting as much as 200 kg / ha and urea of 200 kg / ha is given three times as many ie 1 / 3 doses at age 1 month, 2 months and 3 months after planting. In addition, efforts are also important plant maintenance, which can be done by way of weeding out weeds once every two months and smoothing guludan.


Turmeric is usually harvested at the age of about 90-10 months. How to harvest that is easy enough to dig up the roots with a fork. Try to keep the rhizome are not broken left behind when excavated so that the weight gained higher. After forking, the soil around the roots were cleaned and rim-pang dikumpukan in sacks. Usually the yield can reach 20-30 tons / ha of fresh ginger.

White turmeric

White turmeric (curcuma mango), as extended family members Curcuma, contains curcumin. In the book Encyclopedia of Medical Plants otherwise, curcumin has anti-oxidant properties and anti-inflammatory. Even the efficacy of anti-oksidannya more powerful than vitamin E, whereas the efficacy of anti-inflamasinya stronger than hydrocortisone chemical / synthetic.
According to reports the American Institute of Cancer Report that appeared in The New York Times in late July 1999, the cancer can be prevented by turmeric. Anti-oxidant substances in turmeric function to prevent damage to deoxyribonucleic acid (compounds that make up genes), because of damage to genes is one of the causes of cancer.
While curcumin with feruloyl and 4-hydroxy-cinnamoyl are anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric.
In conclusion, both the content of curcumin is a very important role in the fight against cancer, which prevent damage to genes and prevent inflammation (inflammation), because the cancer is always going inflammation.

Penetration into the cancer cells
Results of research Dr. Retno S Sudibyo published in Tempo May 30, 1999 mentions that Curcuma mango contain "toxic proteins." A kind of ribosome in activating proteins (RIP). These proteins are able to disable the ribosome, so that protein synthesis in cells disrupted. Proteins were easier to penetrate into the cancer cells than healthy cells. As a result, cancer cells can not proliferate. Because cancer cells have an age limit, then over time will run out by itself.
From the description seen three Curcuma benefits of mango in the fight against cancer, namely:

* RIP blocking the proliferation of cancer cells, so long will be exhausted.
* Antioxidants in curcumin prevents damage to the gene where the gene damage is one of the causes of cancer.
* Anti-inflammatory agent curcumin is useful in eliminating inflammation, whereas cancer is always accompanied by inflammation.
* Because of Curcuma mango including natural materials, the use in the long term though, remains safe for humans.
Prevention remains better
Not all easy to detect cancer early. In fact there are several new cases in mind after stepping on an advanced stage. Dr. Sjahrul Sjamsudin, Sp. OG from FKUI / RSCM ever describe ovarian cancer is a hidden killer (silent killer), with only 30% survival rate. From the data RSCM known that there were 10 cases of ovarian cancer every month. It is said also, about 70% of cancer cases is known when it has spread.
Another expert, dr. Samsuridjal explained that among men, generally at age 45, prostate enlargement occurs slowly.
In the literature on prostate enlargement problems mentioned there are two possibilities, namely cell enlargement (hypertrophy) and increased number of cells (hyperplasia). One of them may develop into prostate cancer .

We all know that the cure for cancer is to treat people with cancer. Not for healthy people. Curcuma mango is not a cure, but a natural substance believed to inhibit cancer cell proliferation rate, as well as useful for preventing damage to genes - one of the causes of cancer.
The nature of the content of Curcuma mango, that RIP is inhibiting cancer cell proliferation rate, so the indirect effect of the therapy that is awaiting the death of the cancer cell itself.
In conclusion, the effect of therapy with these natural materials require a relatively long time. The results are also relatively slow progress of patients, which means that requires patience. But the fact that support is that Curcuma mango is a natural material, making it safe for people with
Dose to consume Curcuma mango

* To cure: 4-5 times daily, one teaspoon (brewed with half a glass of water).
* For prevention: 1-2 times a day, one teaspoon

Greatness of turmeric

Turmeric or Curcuma longa Linn. or Curcuma domestica Val. Familia: Zingiberaceae Turmeric (Curcuma domestic) including one of the spices and medicinal plants, native habitat of this plant covers an area of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. These plants then have spread to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost everyone Indonesia and India as well as Asian nations generally have to consume this herb plants, either as a complement cooking, herbal medicine or to maintain health and beauty. Local Name: Saffron (UK), turmeric (Netherlands), Turmeric (Indonesia); Kunir (Java), Koneng (Sunda), Konyet (Madura); Chemical Ingredients: Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin , desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other useful substances To Use Drugs:

Diabetes mellitus

* Materials: 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
* How to make: the ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling,
then filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times a week 1 / 2 cup.

2. Typhus

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 weevil sere, 1 sheet bitter leaf
* Method: All ingredients are finely ground and crushed, then
plus 1 cup cooking water is still warm, and filtered.
* How to use: drink, and carried out for 1 week in a row.


* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 whole lemon, 1 slice of coconut sugar / palm.
Salt to taste.
* How to: turmeric grated and squeezed lime juice, then mixed with
other materials and menyedu with 1 cup hot water, then filtered.
* How to use: drink every morning after eating, on a regular basis.


* Materials: 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water to
boil down to 1 cup and then filtered.
* How to use: drink and be repeated until healed.

5. Leucorrhoea

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves beluntas, 1 handle of fruit acid, 1
pieces of coconut sugar / palm.
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling,
then in the filter.
* How to use: drink 1 cup a day.

Menstruation is not smooth

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 / 2 tea spoon coriander, 1 / 2 tea spoon nutmeg, 1 / 2
srigading leaf cell.
* How to make: all ingredients are finely ground and then boiled with 1
liters of water to boiling, then filtered

* How to use: drink 1 cup a day.

7. Stomach pains during menstruation

* Ingredients: 1 of 4 cm turmeric, 1 of 4 cm ginger, 1 / 2 rhizome
kencur of 4 cm
* How to make: all ingredients are washed and shredded to be taken
water, then added with lemon juice, brewed with 1 / 2
cup hot water and filtered.
* How to use: plus salt and sugar to taste and drink on
first day of menstruation.

8. Streamlining Breast Milk
* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome
* How to make: until finely ground turmeric
* How to use: applied as a compress around the breasts 1 time
every 2 days.

9. Cangkrang (Waterproken)

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves of hyacinth,
* How to Make: all ingredients until finely ground
* How to use: smeared on the taxable cangkrang.

10. Tonsil

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 orange juice, 2 tablespoons honey
* How to: turmeric grated, squeezed oranges to take water, then
mixed with honey and 1 / 2 cup warm water, stirring until evenly distributed and
* How to use: drunk regularly 2 days.

Mucus feces

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 piece of gambier, 1 / 4 tablespoons of whiting
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled together with 2 cups water
to boil down to 1 cup and filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times a day 1 / 2 cup, morning and afternoon.

12. Morbili

* Ingredients: 1 and 1 turmeric rhizome dringo bengle
* How to make: both ingredients together until finely ground
* How to use: applied to the entire body as a powder

The Sweet is efficacious as a medicine

Soursop fruit called latin Annona muricata, also known by the name Sabrang jackfruit, jackfruit Londo, jackfruit buris, and in Bali, Java is more recognizable as a sugar apple. In addition to delicious, this fruit is also rich in drug content.
Savor the fruit soursop gives effect anti-tumor / cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of kanker.Selain cure cancer, soursop fruit also serves as an anti-bacterial, anti fungi (fungi), effektive against various types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good.
It was a sweet acidity that gives sensation to the fans. For those who like breakfast with bread, fruit soursop are also often added in the form of jam. Whatever the form of processed, soursop flavors remain strongly attached to the product, making it very easy to recognize.
The content of soursop fruit is as follows: 

Rich in Vitamin C. Soursop fruit consists of 67.5 percent pulp, 20 percent of the fruit skin, fruit seeds 8.5 percent and 4 percent of the fruit core.After water, nutrients that most of soursop are carbohydrates. One type of carbohydrate on soursop fruit is a reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) with levels of 81.9 to 93.6 percent of the total sugar content.Soursop fruit contains very little fat (0.3 g/100 g), so it is good for health. Sour taste in soursop derived from non-volatile organic acids, particularly malic acid, citric acid, and acid isositrat.Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of fruit flesh. Requirement of vitamin C per person per day (ie 60 mg), had to be met only by consuming 300 grams of meat soursop fruit. Vitamin C content high enough on soursop is a very good antioxidant to increase endurance and slow the aging process (stay young).Minerals which are dominant enough phosphorus and calcium, respectively by 27 and 14 mg/100 g. Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone mass, so useful to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Soursop excellence lies in the levels of sodium (sodium) is low (14 mg/100 g) but high in potassium (potassium), ie 278 g. mg/l00 Comparison of high potassium and sodium which are very beneficial in order to prevent hypertension disease.

Rich Fiber

 In addition to nutritional components, soursop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is contain lots of fiber food (dietary fiber), which reached 3.3 g / 100 g pulp.Consumption of 100 g of fruit flesh to fulfill 13 percent of daily needs of food fiber. Soursop fruit is a fruit that is rich in phytochemical compounds, so as to ensure that the fruits were so many health benefits.Phytochemical compounds they are determined to have health giving properties, though not all scientifically proven. Various benefits of soursop for therapy include treatment of gallstones, antisembelit, uric acid, and increases appetite. In addition, the fiber content also serves to facilitate digestion, especially for the treatment of constipation (difficult bowel movements).Fruit juice (juice) soursop in the digestive system will increase the appetite. Other uses of this juice is for the treatment of waist aches and pains, hemorrhoids (pile), gallstones, and others.

Here's a summary of usability soursop:
Soursop has enormous benefit in the prevention and cure of cancer. For prevention, it is advisable to eat or drink fruit juice soursop.
For healing, can boil 10 leaves of soursop fruitThe old (dark green) into the 3 cups of water andcontinue to evaporate and boiled water to 1 cup only.1 cup water to a patient any dimimumkan2 times a day.
After drinking, he says the body feels the effects of heat, similarwith the effects of chemotherapy. Within 2 weeks, the results can be checked to the doctor, he said quite berkasiat.Soursop leaves are said to nature such as chemotherapy, evenmore abundant because soursop leaves only kill cellsthat grow abnormally and let the cells grow cellsnormal. While there are still effects of chemotherapy also killssome cells are normal cells.
Efficacy and benefits for other treatments:

* Hemorrhoid.

 Soursop fruit is ripe. Squeeze to take water as much as 1 cup, drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

* Pain Bladder Urine.

 Half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the material is made compote cooked. Eaten plain, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

* Infant Diarrhea.Soursop fruit is ripe. Soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water, and drunk in infants suffering from diarrhea as much as 2-3 tablespoons.

* Lumbago.

 20 pieces soursop leaves, boiled with 5 cups water to boil until tinggal3 glass, drink 1 a day 3 / 4 cup.

* Boils.

 Soursop leaves are still young enough, stick in places affected by ulcers.

Efficacy of betel leaf for our health

Betel leaves are very popular in our society. Often times, these vines are found in the yard. Betel (Piper betle L or Chavica aurculata Miq) are easily planted. Simply by using cuttings and given enough water, this plant can grow well in hot areas or in a protected place.

There are several types of betel known in the community. For example, betel Java (leaves softer, less sharp, green grass), betel netherlands (large leaf, green poultice taste and smell sharp and spicy), betel clove (small, yellow leaves, taste like cloves), betel yellow, and betel black.

Betel is very rich in nutritious substances. Among other things, essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylpyrokatekol, cyneole, caryophyllene, cadinene, estragol, terpennena, seskuiterpena, phenyl propane, tannins, diastase, sugar, and starch.

Effect of active substance contained in all parts of the betel plant is to stimulate the central nervous system, stimulates the intellect, increases peristalsis, stimulate spasms, relieve nature of snoring. Betel leaf has the effect of preventing premature ejaculation, lethal fungus Candida albicans, anti-convulsive, analgesic, anesthetic, relieving spasms in smooth muscles, suppressing the motion controller, reduce the secretion of fluid in the vagina, suppressing immune function, liver protector, and antidiarrheal.

Betel plant is also known to overcome cough, bronchitis, eliminate body odor, treat burns, nosebleeds, ulcers, itching and red eyes, ulceration and itching, stop bleeding gums, canker sores, eliminates bad breath, acne, vaginal discharge, and reduce production excessive breast milk.

For cough medicines, as many as 15 pieces of betel leaf with three glasses of boiled water until the remaining 3/4-nya, drink with honey. Bronchitis medicine, as many as seven pieces of betel leaf and one slice of rock sugar boiled in two cups of water until the remaining one cup, drink a day 3 X 1 / 3 cup. Eliminates body odor, five betel leaves boiled in two cups of water up into a glass, drank during the day.

Medicine for burns, water is squeezed fresh leaves, plus a little honey, Dab in place burns. Nosebleeds, leaves crushed rather young one sheet, rolled up to clog the nose bleed. Boils, betel leaf taste is washed, ground into fine, smeared on boils around him, bandaged. Changed twice a day.

Overcoming itchy and red eyes, five to six pieces of leaves boiled in one cup water to boiling. After the cold to wash the eyes by wearing glasses of water to boiling. After the cold to wash the eyes with eye wash wear glasses. Three times a day until healed.

To ulceration and itching, as many as 20 pieces of boiled, warm when used for washing. Stop bleeding gums, four pieces of leaves boiled in two cups of water, used to rinse. Medicine for canker sores, fresh betel leaf as much as one to two sheets cleaned up, chewed until creamed, the waste is disposed.

To eliminate bad breath, as much as two to four pieces of leaves crushed and brewed, used to rinse. Acne medication, seven to 10 pieces of betel leaf until finely ground, then brewed with two glasses of hot water. The water used to wash face with acne. A day made two to three times.

Drug whitish, as many as 10 pieces of leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water, warm burrow used for washing the pubic. To reduce the excessive production of milk, a few pieces of betel leaf smeared with coconut oil, warmed over a fire to be wilted, warm paste around the swollen breast.

A forgotten little grass proved beneficial for our health

Health Benefits of Grass Teki For very many. Not to know? Ever see a cat eat grass puzzle before marriage? Approximately why? We need a little look Teki For Health Benefits of Grass. The chemical content of the grass roots puzzle that allegedly give the effect of compound properties include Siperon, Aselinen, Siperen, Siperotundon, Patkhulenon, Sugeonol, Kobuson, and Isokobuson.

Health Benefits of Grass Teki For very many. Try us in the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, bulbs puzzle has a cool character. Empirically tuber puzzles have been used by the people of China and India as a laxative menstruation.

A study in China showed that the use of puzzles as much as 6-9 grams of tubers, either singly or in combination with other plants to overcome the irregularity of menstruation and relieve symptoms arising from the syndrome during menstruation, such as pain, dizziness and nausea. This suggests that the benefits of Grass Teki For Health is very important. let's see again the following:

In Ayurveda treatment in India. In addition to overcoming dysmenorrhea (menstrual irregularities), puzzles are also widely used to cope with fever and gastrointestinal disorders.

In Indonesia's traditional herb, used in the form of a mixture of puzzles that is, with boiled tubers puzzle together with ginger rhizome. Cooking water is drunk to cope with menstrual pain. Bulbs are also used to treat stomach cramps and facilitating urine (diuretic).

Decoction of the tuber puzzle is very good for detoxifying / antidotum various toxic substances. Fresh tubers are destroyed so that the shaped pasta is often used as a sleep on your breasts who are breastfeeding. Because empirically proven to effectively facilitate the milk-water discharge.

Bulbs are also sometimes used to improve memory.

In addition to overcome pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms, particularly the utilization of tuber puzzles to overcome digestive disorders. Reduce bloating and gas in the stomach and intestines.

Tuber puzzle is anti-vomiting medicine because it can suppress nausea, and beneficial to reduce symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy, although the safety of the fetus is unknown.

In a modern alternative medicine, the use of bulbs is intended to overcome puzzles vomiting, fever and inflammation, reduce pain and to reduce muscle tension.

Tuber puzzle also has properties as antihelmintik (de-worming), anti-bacterial, astringensia. The effect is calming is helpful to overcome depression. Puzzles can also help treat a variety of cervical cancer.

Despite bitter taste, but the tubers puzzles have a fairly high nutrient content, mineral resources and traceelement (additional elements) is important so that people often use it as a food ingredient.

Well right, but we do not teach to imitate a cat or a goat you know, we just try to decipher some of the benefits of grass that often puzzles us treading. The grass turned out to Benefit Teki for Health very much, than we rely on chemical drugs supplements that in the long term can damage our kidneys, we better try switching to traditional medicines ancestors.

Wonders of the Black Seed (Habbatus sauda)

Habbatus sauda' (nigella sativa) is a plant that has a lot of benefits to maintain health and cure various diseases. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam said that Habbatus sauda' is the cure for all diseases except death. Mentioned by Imam al-Bukhari (hadith no. 5687), he narrated the hadith of 'A'isha radi' anha that he never heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam said, means:"Verily in the Habbatus sauda 'contained a cure for all diseases except As-sam." I asked, "Do as-sam that?" He replied, "Death."
In the report narrated by Muslim (no. 2215) stated:"There is no single disease but in Habbatus brothers' there is healing for him, except death."
Historically this herb comes from the Mediterranean (especially Egypt) and has now spread to many regions of the world such as in the Arabian peninsula (Yemen, Saudi Arabia), Syria, Iraq, part of Central Asia (India, Pakistan), the Mediterranean countries ( Greece, Cyprus) and the U.S..
Medical experts in the present has many properties which recognizes excellence Habbatus Sauda. Dr. Kopok Stanley (USA) said: "Habbatus brothers' have a significant role to prevent the tumor and in the long term strengthen the immune system" While Dr. Tajul Aris Yang (Malaysia) said that Omega contained in Habbatus brothers '10-fold greater than the benefits of DHA and EPA.
The benefits include :

1. Strengthens the immune system (immunity)Based on the results of research, black cumin can increase both the number of T cells to enhance natural killer cells. Its success to 72% when compared with placebo (only 7%). So Dr. Basil Ali and his colleagues from the College of Medicine, King Faisal University explain in the journal Pharmasetik Arabia.

2. Improve memory and concentrationWith the content of linoleic acid (Omega 6) and linolenic acid (Omega 3), Habbatus brothers' is a nutrient for brain cell that is useful to improve memory and intelligence.

3. Improve endurance hormoneHormones are substances produced by glands active endoktrin, which enter the bloodstream. In the human body there are many different types of hormones, including reproductive hormones associated with sexual arousal. One of the brothers Habbatus content 'is setrol that serves as a synthesis and bioactivity of the hormone.

4. Neutralize toxins in the bodyHabbatus sauda 'contain saponins that can neutralize and clean up toxins in the body.

5. Overcome sleep disorders and stressSapion contained in Habbatus Sauda 'has functions such as corticosteroids that can influence carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles of the body, and nerves.

6. Anti HistamineHistamine is a substance released by bodily tissues, providing an allergic reaction such as bronchial asthma. Oil made from Habbatus Sauda 'to isolate dithymoquinone. Oil is often called Volatile nigellone derived from Nigella. Giving a positive outcome of this oil against bronchial asthma.

7. Improve the digestive tract and anti-bacterialHabbatus sauda 'contains essential oils and volatile oils that have been found useful for improving digestion. Essential oils traditionally used for diarrhea medicine.

8. Smooth breast milkCoordination of the fat and the structure of the hormones contained in Habbatus Sauda 'may launch breast milk.

9. Additional nutrition of pregnant womenIn infancy, children need nutrition to boost the immune system as a whole. The content of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 which are in Habbatus Sauda 'is a nutrient that helps the development of infants and fetal brain tissue.

10. Rejuvenate skin cells and delay the aging processHabbatus brothers' very well to maintain moisture, smoothness, and skin rejuvenation.

11. Additional NutritionSauda Habbatus rich nutrient content in addition to power, it is suitable for the elderly, especially to keep the immune system and the relativity of brain cells so as not to go senile.Habbatus brothers' also contains 15 kinds of amino acid building blocks of protein including 9 essential amino acids. Amino acids can not be in production by the body in sufficient quantities, must therefore be supplied from food.

Similarly, some benefits Habbatus brothers' who had studied from various studies, it all comes down to one conclusion of the truth, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam that in Habbatus Sauda' is there a cure for all diseases except death. This is the miracle Habbatus sauda 'compared with other drugs.

"Viagra" herbal from Indonesia

When Viagra was first introduced in Indonesia, many people are interested to try it, especially men. Whatever the price to be paid for this drug does not matter, what matters their sexual lives can take place better. They even ignore some information about the side effects of Viagra. In fact, the wealth of biological Indonesia offered an alternative healer without having to involve sexual interference chemical elements, namely the red ginger. The Javanese call it ginger sunti, while the Acehnese people call it ginger boil. Without a chemical process, this plant itself is rich with chemical content, including gingerol and fly oil, limonene, 1.8 cineole, l0dehydrogingerdione, 6-gingerdione, arginine, alpha linolenic acid, aspartic, betha-sitosterol, caprylic acid, capsaicin, chlorogenic acid, farnesal, farnesene, and farnesol.

Substance Erection Booster Pack
Elements 1.8 cineole overcome premature ejaculation, while the anesthetic antikholinesterase able to stimulate the central nervous activity and stimulate an erection. In addition to stimulate erections and overcome premature ejaculation, which has a characteristic pungent plant is capable of stimulating the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and relieve pain. He also can treat influenza, stimulates the release of breast milk, encourage the production of lymph, maintain immunity, prevent sterility and strengthen the resilience of sperm. Farnesal element contained in this plant is also able to prevent the aging process because it stimulates skin cell regeneration.

Potions "Viagra" Herbs
Meanwhile, to get fit or strong drug effect can be obtained by drinking boiled water ginger. Meanwhile, to increase sexual arousal, you can mix the ginger with ginger, noni, pepper, chicken eggs and salt. Making potions is done by mashing finely galangal, ginger and pepper. Then water is added along with noni fruit cooking water. After that, the mixture is filtered through a single glass of water mixture, season salt and stir well. The water in the glass is further divided into two parts and each one plus one chicken egg yolk, mixed well and ready to be consumed by the husband and wife who needs it. Can also add a tablespoon of honey for each of the herbs.
Good luck!

Benefits of ginger for the health body

Ginger oleoresin Bulbs contain compounds known as gingerol which is as an antioxidant. Nature is what makes ginger useful touted as antiaging bioactive components. Ginger bioactive components can serve to protect the fatty membranes from oxidation, inhibit oxidation of cholesterol, and boost immunity. Various benefits of ginger are traditionally well known is as follows:
Catch a cold
Remedy: Take the old ginger for your thumb, washed and crushed and then boiled in two cups water, add the palm sugar to taste. Boil approximately 1 / 4 hours. Lift and drink warm.
Headache or migraine (headaches)
Remedy: Take the sons of my mother ginger fingers, grilled and then crushed. Brewed with a glass of water and give a little palm sugar, drink once. Drink three times a day.
Preventing motion sickness Remedy: Take the sons of my mother finger ginger, washed and thinly sliced, then boiled with a glass of water. Warm drink before boarding the vehicle.
Dislocate Remedy: Take the ginger more or less two sections. Rinse and then grated, add a little salt. This concoction smeared on the sprained limb. Do twice a day.
White patches on the skin due to loss of pigment (Vitiligo) Remedy: Take 30 grams of ginger, wash and then juiced. Juice smeared on the skin is suffering from vitiligo.
Esophageal roundworms

Remedy: Take 60 grams of fresh ginger and wash clean. Crushed, mixed with a glass of water. Strain and add one tablespoon of honey. Drink this mixture three times daily.
Create a plump breast and contain

Remedy: enter the two segments that have been peeled fresh ginger skin, into a hot glass of pure milk. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Drink at bedtime each day.

Remedy: Prepare one or two of ginger rhizome. Heat the rhizome above the fire or coals and then mashed. Paste the collision of ginger on the bodily pain.