Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Greatness of turmeric

Turmeric or Curcuma longa Linn. or Curcuma domestica Val. Familia: Zingiberaceae Turmeric (Curcuma domestic) including one of the spices and medicinal plants, native habitat of this plant covers an area of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. These plants then have spread to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost everyone Indonesia and India as well as Asian nations generally have to consume this herb plants, either as a complement cooking, herbal medicine or to maintain health and beauty. Local Name: Saffron (UK), turmeric (Netherlands), Turmeric (Indonesia); Kunir (Java), Koneng (Sunda), Konyet (Madura); Chemical Ingredients: Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin , desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other useful substances To Use Drugs:

Diabetes mellitus

* Materials: 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
* How to make: the ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling,
then filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times a week 1 / 2 cup.

2. Typhus

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 weevil sere, 1 sheet bitter leaf
* Method: All ingredients are finely ground and crushed, then
plus 1 cup cooking water is still warm, and filtered.
* How to use: drink, and carried out for 1 week in a row.


* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 whole lemon, 1 slice of coconut sugar / palm.
Salt to taste.
* How to: turmeric grated and squeezed lime juice, then mixed with
other materials and menyedu with 1 cup hot water, then filtered.
* How to use: drink every morning after eating, on a regular basis.


* Materials: 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water to
boil down to 1 cup and then filtered.
* How to use: drink and be repeated until healed.

5. Leucorrhoea

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves beluntas, 1 handle of fruit acid, 1
pieces of coconut sugar / palm.
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling,
then in the filter.
* How to use: drink 1 cup a day.

Menstruation is not smooth

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 / 2 tea spoon coriander, 1 / 2 tea spoon nutmeg, 1 / 2
srigading leaf cell.
* How to make: all ingredients are finely ground and then boiled with 1
liters of water to boiling, then filtered

* How to use: drink 1 cup a day.

7. Stomach pains during menstruation

* Ingredients: 1 of 4 cm turmeric, 1 of 4 cm ginger, 1 / 2 rhizome
kencur of 4 cm
* How to make: all ingredients are washed and shredded to be taken
water, then added with lemon juice, brewed with 1 / 2
cup hot water and filtered.
* How to use: plus salt and sugar to taste and drink on
first day of menstruation.

8. Streamlining Breast Milk
* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome
* How to make: until finely ground turmeric
* How to use: applied as a compress around the breasts 1 time
every 2 days.

9. Cangkrang (Waterproken)

* Materials: 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves of hyacinth,
* How to Make: all ingredients until finely ground
* How to use: smeared on the taxable cangkrang.

10. Tonsil

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 orange juice, 2 tablespoons honey
* How to: turmeric grated, squeezed oranges to take water, then
mixed with honey and 1 / 2 cup warm water, stirring until evenly distributed and
* How to use: drunk regularly 2 days.

Mucus feces

* Ingredients: 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 piece of gambier, 1 / 4 tablespoons of whiting
* How to make: all the ingredients are boiled together with 2 cups water
to boil down to 1 cup and filtered.
* How to use: drink 2 times a day 1 / 2 cup, morning and afternoon.

12. Morbili

* Ingredients: 1 and 1 turmeric rhizome dringo bengle
* How to make: both ingredients together until finely ground
* How to use: applied to the entire body as a powder

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